English Grammar

Why is grammar so essential?
There are several reasons why grammar is so crucial for being a fluent English speaker.
Without proper grammar, the sentences will be just an awkward combination of syllables, letters, words, and phrases. The sentences will not transfer the powerful and rational sense they should.
When you look at any passage, you see a marvelous combination of related words. They are interconnected; they are coordinated and subordinated; all are united, sequential, and consequential. The text is closely knit, logical, and sound. The words and sentences are sensible and sensitive. They are perfectly customized, tailor-made for any life purpose or goal. All the terms have the proper order and specific place in the sentence. There are no superfluous words, special symbols, or extra collocations. Nothing is redundant.
The text is coherent and cohesive, which makes it powerful. Only such a text is accurate and precise. Only such a document can become a practical and useful weapon to be armed with for your studies, work, and career.
Grammar is your way to success.