When you start to learn one or another language, you can be puzzled: Will I be able to learn the language on my own, or I will have to hire a tutor?
Let’s analyze this question together.
First of all, when you learn independently, especially when you are still a beginner, it is difficult to be consistent in your learning, plan your steps somehow, have a good and neat plan to follow. You will need to dedicate the same amount of time to all four skills in German: Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading.
Will you be able to manage to improve all the skills on your own when …
• you don’t know a lot of grammar rules and vocabulary yet,
• don’t have a partner to practice the language, 
• don’t know what kind of materials it is better to choose, 
• which movies and cartoons to watch, which books to read,
• which textbooks to use, 
• which apps to upload and
• which youtube channels to follow?

Achieving the level B1, the student already knows all the grammar, understands the structure of the language, and its phonetic features, knows a good deal of vocabulary, and if they have a goal to reach B2 and higher, then, knowing some approaches and methods they can achieve that on their own.
However, as far as I can see, all these levels’ hierarchy is quite hypothetical and make the language perception oversimplified. I believe, it is possible to learn any language endlessly and you will never be able to say proudly: ”I speak like a native”, “I understand 100% of any German speech.”
The role of a German tutor in learning the language looks like the role of a guide in the mountains:
They show the well-used tracks, helping to avoid unsafe walks. It is OK to go independently, but I am afraid, it will be a hard and tiresome way. What’s more: there will never be any guarantee that you will achieve the peak if you go on your own.
The tutor can choose from a great number of textbooks, quizzes and exercises only those, which are necessary for the learner.

Besides that, the tutor is a language partner, who listens to you, follows you, asks you, helps you, etc.
According to my language teaching (and learning) experience, I can say that self-study is good for those who are highly motivated, can plan and follow their plans and strictly obey the ideal schedule.
For all other types of learners, I would highly recommend studying with a tutor.



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